//JQuery Example $(document).ready(function(){ $("#header").load("reusables/header.html"); $("#footer").load("reusables/footer.html"); $('#social-links').load("reusables/social-links.html"); }); $('.nav-item').click(function(){ $(this).tab('active'); }); // if(window.location.protocol != "https"){ // window.location.href = window.location.href.replace('http', 'https'); // } function getFormDataInGoodFormat(form_data) { console.log(form_data) return form_data.reduce(function(obj, item) { obj[item.name] = item.value; return obj }); } function validateData(form_data) { const validRegexForEmail = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$/; if(form_data["value"]==="") { alert("Please enter a name."); return false } if(form_data["email"]==="") { alert("Please enter an email."); return false } if(!form_data["email"].match(validRegexForEmail)) { alert("Please enter an appropriate email."); return false } return true } function onContactSend() { let form_data = getFormDataInGoodFormat($("form#contact-form").serializeArray()); const validated = validateData(form_data) try { if(validated) { Email.send({ Host : "smtp.mailtrap.io", Username : "1a2b528d40d880", Password : "e66a15d616af3a", To : 'charaniasamad@gmail.com', From : form_data["email"], Subject : "From Portfolio Website by ".concat(form_data["value"]), Body : "
") }).then( message => { console.log(message) alert("Message Sent Successfully! :)") } ); } } catch(err) { alert("A problem occurred while sending the email. \nPlease feel free to email me directly at charaniasamad@gmail.com.") } }